Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What a wonderful dad this man is. He is so creative and so loving to his kids. I could not ask for a better husband and father than Jon. Yesterday was Jon and my anniversary. We have been married for 7 wonderful years. Well not all of that time was things so blissfully happy. because as everyone knows you always have your ups and downs in a marriage and you constantly have to work at a marriage. But for the most part Jon and I get a long really well. we are very compatible. And I am so glad my heavenly father led me to him. He treats me very well. Always tells me how beautiful I am and how much he loves me. He always makes me feel like I am special to him. Thank you Jon for the last 7 years. I love you more today than I did the day I married you. I love you forever and Always.
I love you Jon look because of us we have this beautiful family. 7 kids never in a million years did I think I would have that many kids. but we were supposed to. And they are all so wonderful. I always think of the saying. "because 2 people fell in Love" Thank my Heavenly Father everyday for my wonderful family.

Monday, November 30, 2009

catching up again

I know we are going into Christmas and I am a little late here with Halloween pictures,but I have been too busy to sit down and download the pics. so here are the cute pictures from halloween. Doesn't Jocelyn look so good. Her daddy dressed her up like the witch from wizard of Oz. he is amazing with his creativity.
The full effect of her costume. He even went out to our weed patch on the side of the house and they were all dead and dried out so he made it into a witch broom. Doesn't she look so cute.
christian was a skeleton, but he wouldn't leave the mask on and of course Everlee was a princess.
billy is the scary clown and Jackson is the one covered up in black. the one in the middle is their friend Tyson. We let the boys go by them self this time. They came back with their whole pillowcase full. eight pounds of candy each. Can you believe it.
This was our great day NOvember 10th the day we finally adopted everlee. It was and exciting day. she is officially ours now.
This Is Everlee and Jocelyn and that is Kim Ever's birth mom.
Jordan's birthday dinner. we went to Garcia's for his birthday. They sang and gave him fried ice cream and put that silly hat on. Doesn't he look adorable.
For Jordans birthday I let him take 2 friends to a movie and then they went to flowrider. here is JOrdan trying to body surf.
Jocelyn and their pretty temple dresses. this is what grandma jeanie made for the girls for the temple. dont' they look adorable.

Thanksgiving day. I colored my hair. well actually my husband colored my hair. What do you think of the red? I love it. My husband likes it pretty well too. he wont keep his hands off me now.lol :}
My beautiful family at thanksgiving. so thankful for all of them. wow that is a pretty big family. We had to hurry and take this picture because jordan and jackson went to their dads for thanksgiving that made me sad to be without them during thanksgiving.
Grandma Michele and all her grandkids. This is Jons mom.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Time is finally here

We just got an email yesterday from our lawyer that our court date for the adoption for Everlee is November 10th at 2:00pm finally we will get this done. It has been a long process and it will be so wonderful to have this done. Then that weekend on November 14th at 2:20 pm we will take her to the salt lake temple to have her sealed for time and eternity. With all of our children there to witness. I am so excited.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Summer recap

Well my friend Debbie is the one that encouraged me to do a recap of my summer. I am so bad about blogging. I just get so busy with my kids, but I love to read everyone else s blog it makes me feel close to you. but anyway this is our trip to california. we went in July it was so much fun. we went for 8 days. Jon and Alex stayed home because they were too busy. That made me sad, but we still had a lot of fun. That is me and Jocelyn at the beach when the sun was going down isn't it beautiful. She loves the water. At this beach we came and saw the seals. I have a picture of the seals later on.

Here is mom, Jocelyn and Lexi. Lyle and tracys little girl. Jocelyn and Lexi had a lot of fun together.
There is my beautiful Jocelyn posing. She is good at posing. She is my princess.
Here everyone is except for me of course I am the one always taking the pictures.
Jordan has a sand dollar stuck to his head. he also found a little baby crab. it was cute. christian loved it too.
Heres the seals that is just a picture of one. Their was a lot of them. It is so gorgeous in San Diego. i wouldn't mind living there. A little expensive though.
Here we all are Billy, Jordan, Me, ever and Mom in the back. Jocelyn, Christian, and Jackson int the front. yes that is a leash on christian. We have to keep control of him some how. If we didn't have that on him we would lose him. He is always trying to take off.
Here is the beautiful sunset. That was worth going to the beach for.
This is another day at the beach. Christian covered in the sand. that kid could not stay clean.
My brother Lyle, JOrdan, and My mom with the star fish Jordan caught.
Lyle and Tracy had boogie boards so the kids had a lot of fun with that. There is Jackson. It was a lot of fun. Even I went out and boogie boarded for a while the waves were beating me down. it was a blast.
Lyle and Tracy have a swimming pool in their backyard so if we weren't at the beach we were swimming in the swimming pool. here is Jordan and Lexi.
Here is the whole gang Lyle's kids and us
After we got back from California we headed out to our reunion. Another favorite place for the kids. we love to camp. That is our favorite thing to do as a family. Here is Jocelyn, Christian, and Ever.
Jackson and billy with their cousins Shally, Shania, and Serena. They hung out with their cousins the whole time. I didn't even hardly see them. They had good times. Jordan wasn't here at our reunion this year. which is odd for him, because he loves to camp, but he had the opportunity to go to the Xgame in California. His Friends dad does all the dirt and stuff for the exgames so they get free tickets so JOrdan spent another week in cali.
Jocelyn wanted Alex to be a princess like her so he make his hair really pretty just for Jocelyn. Doesn't he look so pretty.

Then Next on our summer list was Jacksons Birthday party, but we were so busy in the month of July when his birthday is so we had it close to the middle of August and decided to make it his bday party and back to school party as well. They had a blast. There was a lot of kids over. And they are all really good kids. we put up the slippery slide in the back yard and they did that. and we had a fire pit so we cooked hot dogs and smores. And I baked a lot of treats for them so they just pigged out played rock band and hung out it was a great party.

Here is the whole gang
billy always has to pull some kind of weird face
Our next thing we did for the summer was go to Lagoon. We went the week before school started. And Jocelyn was so excited. she had a blast she loved all the rides. And she is so tall she got to go on quite a bit of the big rides to with me. We had a good time.
Here is JOn and Christian and Ever. They did not enjoy it so much. I thought they would love the kiddie rides for sure. Jocelyn at their age loved lagoon. she went on all the rides and that Lagoon was the best place ever. but these 2 little ones hated it . Christian screamed and would not go on anything. ever wasn't quite as bad as him, but she didn't like it too well either. Maybe next year. so Jon really wanted to get this German Shepherd so he left an went and checked it out. It was an hour and a half from Lagoon. And he ended up buying the dog. But he took the babies and left. so I spent a fun day with Jocelyn. Alex didn't go because none of his friends could go so he decided to stay home. JOrdan, Jackson and billy were there , but they were off having too much fun so I didn't get any pictures of them. And then when they met up with me to ride rides with me and Jocelyn Jon took the camera with him. but they had a great time too.
And here is a picture of Jocelyns first day going to her pre school. She is so cute. There she is posing again. That is her best friend Kaycee. She doesn't go to school with her but we watch her everyday for 5 hours so she was there when Jocelyn went to school. She is here in the morning when Jocelyn is trying to get ready to go to school that makes it a little hard, because all she wants to do is play with her. but Jocelyn has school on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays so she can play the other days with her. but Jocelyn loves school though and is doing so well. She is getting really good at writing her name. She is smart. I didn't get any pictures of the boys this year they were off the early. But Jackson and billy are in 7th grade this year they started Jr High. I can't believe that. And JOrdan is in 9th grade. alex is a junior and he just got his license. He just got his car all ready and tomorrow is the first day he gets to drive it to school. And he is going to the homecoming dance on Saturday. They are all growing up so fast. this summer just flew by so fast. i love summer. and I am not ready for the cold yet. But I love my family we had some good times and some good memories.

Friday, September 18, 2009

My little boy is 2 today!!

Isn't he such a cutie. Christian is 2 today. How time flies by. He has kept us really busy his 2 years. He just is 2 but he has been a terrible 2 baby since he has been born. When he was born I had him naturally so he came in this world causing me a lot of pain, then he was very colicky for quite awhile. for the first 3 months of his life I slept on the couch with him in the playpen bassinet, because he woke up so many times Jon had to at least get a little sleep so he could function to work. I felt like a zombie for those 3 months getting no sleep and he was always so grumpy because he was in pain so he cried allll the time. And then he finally got through that and then he became very clingy wanted no one, but mommy daddy and grandma mostly mommy. boy it was hard. then as he kept growing he became the biggest menace around. this kid knows how to open everything and figure everything out. we are in so much trouble with him. but he is so fun . he has the cutest personality he makes you laugh all the time. He smiles and then he just melts your heart. We always tease that God sent him down to us so he could get rid of him because he got into everything up there and he was getting tired of chasing him. Oh but are we so thankful we have him. we love him sooooo soooo much. Life would not be the same without him. Doesn't he look so cute in his blessing outfit. He is a blessing from above. Even if sometimes I want to send him back:)
Look how peaceful he looks sleeping a happy time for mom when he was sleeping. I would hurry and catch up on my sleep.
NOw the fun personality starts to come out and you can't help but love this kid. Look at that smile, boy I love this boy.
Growing up and starting to get into everything and never staying still for a minute. we were at the reunion and he was crawling everywhere on the cement.
christian had fun eating his spaghetti.
Christian loves Jon snakes he always wants to hold them and kiss them and squeeze them to death. yea he gets a little excited and squeezes a little too hard.
Cool hair dude!
Look at that face how could you ever be mad at this kid he is just too darn cute!
This summer we went to california to visit Lyle and Tracy and we went to the beach and he loved the sand he ate it , rolled in it. He was covered.
This is the most recent picture of my boy, with his 2 sissies he loves those girls. I love this picture of the kids. They are just the love of my life. Thank God for them.
Happy Birthday my christian I love you so much

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jocelyn graduates

Jocelyn sitting with some of her class mates .

Jocelyn graduating from her first year of preschool. she turns 4 in about 3 weeks. I can't believe how big she is getting. She is sitting with her teacher misa Lisa is what she has always called her. She had them walk to the graduation music it was cute. And they sung a bunch of songs.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Birthday EVER You're 2

This is Ever when we first got her at 7 months old. look how much she has grown
I Can't believe Everlee is two. The time goes by so fast. She is getting so big and starting to look so much like a little girl and not a little baby any more. She is starting to say a lot more now. she has been a little slow on the talking. But she is saying a lot more now. Yes that is a snake wrapped around her neck. The babies LOVE Jon's snakes. christian gets so excited about them he can hardly contain himself. I am going to pick up Kim (her biological mom) tommorow I have to take her to our lawyer and she has to sign this paper before he can set up a court date. So hopefully when that is done then it will only be a couple of weeks before we get her officially ours. because she has allready been ours for a long time , but we will make it official, and then we can go to the temple and make it sealed forever. Yea !!! Well we love you Everlee Happy birthday baby girl.