Sunday, September 28, 2008

New hair do

Here is my before and after pictures of my new hair do. I tried to find a picture of by myself for the before pictures, but I am never in any pictures because I am always the one taking the pictures. but I found one with my cute little Jocelyn. So I was sick of my hair and needed a change and some color. It was so much fun being pampered and having no kids bugging me for that time. so what do you think. Oh and by the way I am 2 weeks into p90x I have went from 138.5 lbs. to 134.5 lbs. and 28.5 % bodyfat to 26.5 % body fat. I am so excited. and feeling great.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Christian's One

cute cakes!!! my husband he is the expert cake maker. he always decorates for the kids. I bake them and he decorates, because I am not artistic at all.

christian eating his cake he really dove into it and loved every bite of it. He pratically finished the whole cake.

Christians favorite place to be

My baby boy is a year. he turned a year on September 18th. We had his big birthday bash on Saturday the 20th. There was a lot of people that showed up. I Can't believe it's been a year since his birth. Time goes by so fast. He's not walking yet still crawling. But he is started to say little words like Love, oh oh, mom, dad, bye bye, and he says the boys names. I love him so much I am so glad Heavenly Father sent him to me. When we were originally thinking of having another baby I was going to do all the tricks like I did with Jocelyn because I really wanted a girl again. But christian was a surprise so we didn't get to try to have a girl. then when we found out it was a boy I wasn't dissapointed just kind of hoping for another girl. but God knew what he was doing by surprising us we needed little christian in our life. God knows better than us. I can't imagine my life without our little cutie.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Heres us at temple square my favorite place. look alex is actually in the picture it's amazing. everlee is passed out in the stroller. it was a long day for the babies

Jon and Billy. Oh for those who hasn't seen jons bald head now you have. Whats the verdict on the bald head

Temple square

We stayed the night in a motel. And then on Sunday we went to Temple square. They have a really neat museum across from the temple on the west side. We went and spent a lot of time there. They have a kids section and the kids had a lot of fun there. And then we went to temple square and went up to the Christ. I love that room. It was a nice weekend. glad we got away

family fun

At the zoo

Jocelyn is feeding the parot some money to help out at the zoo.

About 2 weeks ago we all needed a break and we were going to go camping , but it was supposed to be chilly up in the mountains so we decided not to instead we went to salt lake. Saturday we went to the zoo. It was alot of fun and we went to Joes crab shack for dinner. Jocelyn ate squid and octupus legs, because we got some calamari. she was funny she called it octupussy legs. she even liked it. our kids love going there because the love to get the calamari. they think it is so neat to eat squid and octupus. but geez it cost us a pretty penny for our whole family. 105.oo dollars with tip. Theres a lot of things we could do with that. but then it always costs is alot to go out with our big herd.

Monday, September 15, 2008

ripped in 90 days

okay i just bought this video system with nutrition help. I started it last week . its called p90x you might have watched the infomercial(is that right spelling). well anyway if I do it I am supposed to get ripped in 90 days. so I hope so I have been feeling really good lately and eating practically every 2- 3 hours to keep my metabolism burning. And you have to work out 6 times a week. And they are hard. I really love it though. I have to get up at 6:00 in the morning in order to do it , because I have to do it before the babies wake up. But for the last few days christian thinks he needs to wake up at 6:00 in the morning too. I think my kids just want to drain every minute of my own time from me. I thought for sure if I got up that early I would be able to do it before they wake up because christain usually doesn't wake up til 7:00. hopefully it's just a fluke thing and he is going to go back to his normal time because I really don't want to start getting up at 5 am. because I am commited and I am on a mission to get ripped in 90 days. :) I took before pictures and I would post them but I don't think you want to see me in my sports bra and shorts. So I am excited about this hopefully I can do it. right now I haven't craved sugar at all. and I am feeling great. when I started I was 139 and 28.5 % body fat. and I weighed this morning and I was 137 and 27.5 % bodyfat and I can tell I am not as flabby, so I will keep you updated on how I am doing, and you need to cheer me on and keep me motivated.

Friday, September 12, 2008

cleaning machine

Okay call me crazy. Jon took Jordan, jackson, and billy to the scout jamborall tonight and wont be back til tommorow. Alex stayed home because he is too old for that group. so I was thinking all week I was going to go get a couple of chic flics and watch them after I put the babies and jocelyn to bed. because jons not much into chic flics so whenever he is gone with scout stuff I like to watch them. but instead I had alex watch the babies for me while I scrubbed out my two refridgerators and then after I put the kids to bed I started scrubbing things down like spring cleaning and then I ended up mopping my main floor. it looks really nice , but now it is 11:30 pm at night and I'm ready for bed. I guess no chic flic for me this time. I usually am too tired to do anything at night, but I glad I had that extra energy it feels good to have the main floor cleaned. At least it will be clean until they all get back tommorow. at least I can enjoy it for a day.

Friday, September 5, 2008

3rd day of school

Today Was Jocelyns third day and no crying today. she cried the second day for a minte but today she sat down andsaid goodbye with no tears. I was so happy. We are supposed to start carpooling with 2 other kids. we are going to do it by week. so I am doing it the first week. which is next week so I can make sure she is still doing ok. and then I will have 2 weeks off. Maybe I can accomplish something in those 2 hours I hope so.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

after school i promise we would go get ice cream and feed the ducks for her being such a big girl. I babysit my friends little girl kaycee so we went all together. it was nice because it was only 70 degrees yesterday so it was perfect to be outside.

scared of 1st day

I don't know what is up with Jocelyn these last few days, but she has become really clingy to me. She has went to nursery so good for quite awhile and then I took her sunday and I haven't taken her for a long time, because I'm in the primary presidency. and she decided she wanted me to take her. and when she went there she screamed bloody mary and she didn't want to go. finally I just left her there and she stopped. then monday on labor she wanted to go to her friend Kaycee and she loves to go to her house never has had a problem staying there. and when we got there she cried because she wanted me to stay. so I was really worried about school. So we got up Tuesday we talked about school and she wore her preschool shirt Busy bees and she was so excited. said her teacher Missa lisa( thats what she calls her)has a shirt just like hers. She was so excited. Jon came home and gave her a fathers blessing so she wouldn't be so scared. We did a little video on her and video taped her on the way to school no problems right??? until we got in the school then she grabbed onto my legs as hard as she could and started crying. I took her to her teacher and told her she might cry for a minute, but she would be fine. I left and that was it. When I went to pick her up her teacher said she cried for a second and stopped. I knew she would be fine , but I just don't know why suddenly she is acting like this. Hopefully after going to school a few times she will be fine.